kâğıt para

  1. bank bill
  2. bank note
  3. bill
  4. note currency
  5. paper currency
  6. folding money
  7. lettuce
  8. long green
  9. paper money
  10. soft money
  11. token money
  12. rag money
Federal Reserve note Noun, Economics
irredeemable paper money
dud note Noun
counterfeit nfr
fiduciary currency
uncovered paper money
foreign notes
to bank note printing Verb
issuance of paper money
not issuing monopoly
note issuing monopoly
paper money inflation
paper money standard
paper standard
fiduciary standard
to increase paper circulation Verb
issue of paper currency
to increase paper circulation Verb
statutory reserve of banknotes
to forge a bank note Verb
fiduciary (note) issue
paper money
soft cash
bank note
paper currency
to increase paper money circulation Verb
notes and small change
note and coin circulation
issue of paper currency